Tuesday, December 30, 2008

barbie's party

barbie and her friends need to party, too, especially to celebrate the end of such an exhausting and volatile year...and to welcome a new one that should be more enlightening and rational, but then again, spirals have a way of being always at the mercy of gravity...
[just go on fondling your delirium like a pretty pony, as the frazzled Aragon would have encouraged...]

[barbie's fête took place at the Cité de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine in an exhibition themed "La Villa de Mlle B."]

Friday, December 19, 2008

joyeux jolly jolly

don't brown-bag your holidays just because the economy is in free-fall, the air is toxic, the oceans are emptying out, the rainforests denuded, and the world's general health rapidly failing, soon to be on life-support if there is still a universal clinic standing...no matter how desperate and dire the straits are, let's hope that there is still love to be made, pâtisseries to be eaten, unmurky water to drink, pockets of adequate air to intake, and most of all, tolerant friends to make it a little more bearable...
to one and all...enjoy a most exuberant and transcendent season [while we can!] and gently push all those delusions into the new year!
still, make merry and much happiness always...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

R is for...

R is for...
ruthless ruminations of a rapscallion...
rough and re-tumbled resolutions...
rubicund requiems for renegades...
rampant and random railroading...
and a rarefied retrospective on a rutabaga...

Friday, December 12, 2008

licking the muses

sometimes when you merge the interior and exterior worlds in a single reflection, the potent and poetic image that emerges can confuse even the staunchest of surrealists...but for me, the muses can float by in a dusting of light particles and even a glint is enough of a sign...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


at a vide-grenier in a Neuilly neighbourhood, someone's precious collection of old toy cars is meticulously laid out on a pristine white tablecloth...what courage and sadness he must feel to finally decide that it is time to part with a cherished part of his boyhood, and hoping that their new homes will treat them just as well...

Friday, December 5, 2008


there is so much to guard against these days... priceless jewels on the Avenue Montaigne, Chinese products [edible or not], quick and nimble bicycle thieves, even unscrupulous Swiss bankers!... oh, for the easy days of knowing exactly who and where le gardien was to solve the little problems of a much simpler and smaller world...